1st Edition of

London Nursing Education Conference

August 12-14, 2021 | London, UK

Nursing 2024

Sofica Bistriceanu

https://magnusgroup.biz/profile_images/crop_images/41685950955.jpg, Speaker at Nursing Conferences
Sofica Bistriceanu
Academic Medical Unit – CMI,India


Dr. Sofica Bistriceanu studied in Romania at the ‘Gr. T. Popa’ Iasi University, and graduated as MD in 1984, research in family medicine, Maastricht University, 2000, Ph.D. in 2009, Iasi, at the same institution. She joined the European, American, Asian Primary Care Research Group, American Academy on Communication in Healthcare, APTR, IHI, NICHQ, EPCCS, EURACT, WONCA Meetings. Dr Sofica Bistriceanu is the author of more than 70 research studies shared abroad and received awards for some of them. She is a member of The Journal of Patient Experience (JPX) Editorial Review Board. Dr. Sofica Bistriceanu is the representative of the Academic Medical Unit located in BT, ROU. She is the author of seven volumes of poems published by Chronica Iasi Publishing House, and Time, Iasi Publishing House.
